Status Mood : Hapie Giler!!!

Korng tekeeee aaaaa...
ape yg watkan Zie apie giler neh.
My paycheck is raisedddd!!!!
Skrg my basic salary
dah cecah RM1000++
Caper yg aku dulu bg taw
bout diz???
1st => Absolutely Adam
2nd => Definitely Kiki
3rd => For sure Minie
then the 4th...would be my
beloved readers.

Korng tekeeee aaaaa...
ape yg watkan Zie apie giler neh.
My paycheck is raisedddd!!!!
Skrg my basic salary
dah cecah RM1000++
Caper yg aku dulu bg taw
bout diz???
1st => Absolutely Adam
2nd => Definitely Kiki
3rd => For sure Minie
then the 4th...would be my
beloved readers.
Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright
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