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See that "kunyit"...errr..dunno what it call in English..hehhehheh **grinning** Wondering what it for??? hehehe....i'm goin' to make it a kunyit juice...lalalala. The makcik2 maybe oredi immune to diz kinda drink. But for a young lad like me...i am not really THAT immune...gulllppp...gullllppp. here how's it done :P
Just as simple as 1, 2, 3 rite..hikkksss!!! Just blended it, then tapiskan...pastuh blend...then tapiskan. Make it 3 rounds, kay :) When it oredi ready to be serve... make sure uolls bace selawat 3 kali. Pastuh minum.
I more prefer it to be drink with ice...hehe. it taste much better than the one w/out the ice. Owh good for ur menstrual cycle, awet mude, etc... I drink it for the purpose of my menstrual cycle :P
Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright
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