Jumat, 30 November 2007

Wedding Present =)

...It's still rainning outside...

While i'm toooo busy chatting wif diz mak nenek, my collouges including my manager busying themselve wrapping a wedding present for my boss's client's grandson. So, me pown stop lerrr chatting wif diz mak nenek and giving my hands in dat wrapping too :D

Syytttt....here's my candid pichas on the wrapping progress...hikksss!!!

The Wrappers

...i was suggesting for it to be wrap in red blooded wrapper. But sadly, the red wrapper is not enuff for dat bigg...biggg..present


This red small hearts shall be stick onto it

They pick the "not-so-nice" blue wrapper for the main wrapper.

**Inside it was a small fridge n a gril**

errr....x nyempat aku nak snap ghuper payzen tuh. They hurried took it away once it finish.


Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright

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