Status Mood : I am TOOOO shyy

Zie taw...if korg read my previous post **which is the post below diz post**, sure korg heran bile Zie tetiba jek mentioned 'bout Ebi's name kan. Huhu., let zie told uolls da story from A-to-Z **keskeskeskes**
On tuesday, which dated on February 5th. Kiki and I met Ebi at The Spring mall. Time tuh...kitorg baru jek lepas mengisi pewot kat Kluang Station. Then terserempak ngan si Ebi wif his PA. Klakar siotttt..bile Zie ingat2kan balik...wakakakaka.
Jalan2 ckit...terserempak lagik ngan die. Jalan2 ckit...terserempak lagik. Then bile dah 3rd time terserempak tuh...Zie n Ebi serentak pointing at each other, then thats when die panggil kitorg. So kitorg pown catwalk aaa ke arah dorg..haha!
Snap2 pichas wif him kejap...then biler kitorg dah nak leave. Ebi mintak our fon numbers. Since at dat time kitorg xde Ebi just men ingatt jek aaa our numbers tuh. Zie ingatkan dat will be da 1st n da last kitorg talk2 n jumpe each other...but to my suprise...30 minutes afta dat. Ebi called me **mase tuh z baru spai umah** Senyum spai ke tinga aku okeh!!! wakakakakaka..
Since dat nite...he calls me EVERYDAY...lalalala.
Our 2nd meet up lak...biler die dah nak balik KL.So the nite before he flight back, he called me n arrange for the meet up. I bring Kiki to accompanied me. While him...he bring his PA along.Kitorg jus kuar makan2 jek. Only 1 pic jek yg Zie snap. Xde pic 2gether wif him bcoz zie terlampau shy2 aaa. Sbb dorg bertiga tuh antu ssgt.Dari awal jumpe sampai ler balik, dorg dok usik2 zie jek. Terutama sekali his PA n Ebi. jadik seganlah zie nk gambo2...karang semakin menjadik lak dorg nyakat zie..sobsobosob.
psssttt..psssttt...Zie talked wif his MOM taw...lalalala **Lalats, sile sakit ati okeh** Tgh2 kitorg makan2 kan. Ebi ttba kuarkan hp die then dial up sumone. At 1st, Zie thought dat he was going to call his frens or his director. But to my suprise...he phone his mom n passed it to me...huahuahua **siyesly aaa...ade gak pasaan bangga tuh. Bukannyer everyday kite dpt bborak ngan emak artis kan**
Since his mom also a we talked in our nation language lerrr. He also talked wif my mom **haha...die kenekan zie. Zie kenekan die balik. Tersipu2 die talk ngan mom zie on da phone...hikkksss!!**
Errr...korg jgn lak gossip2 kitorg ek. We're just Friends okeh!!! There's no ehem ehem between us. Just FRIENDS **waaaahhhh!!! statement para artis tueee...ekekeke**Tapi sungguh aaa...we're just friends. He oready had Mila maaa. Siapalah zie neh if nk dibandingkan ngan Mila. Mila berjuta2 kali lagik lawa dr zie taw. Famos lak tuh. Len ler mcm zie...only an account girl...sobsobsob **adehhh!!! merendah diri tahap gaban ler plak**
Oh yeah...for uolls information.He is using a private number. So i dont have his number okeh.Die jek yg keeps on calling me. So to his fans out there, jgn mintak fon number die dari zie ea.Siyesly zie pown x taw. But if ever he gave to me his number...for sure i will kept it juz for me...muahahahaha. No share2 okeh...hikss!!!
**winkkk winkk**
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