Dah name kiter neh
kaki blogging, kan...
kuar2 pown...menyempat gak
masok CC utk for...
==> Blogginggg!!!
Nnti senin Zie
storykan my hangout
wif si Kiki kiter neh ek
Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright
Semalam kiki culik Zie utk gi short-timing-shopping n a dinner wif her. Zie ape lagik aaa kan. Klu Kiki ajak kuar..for sure aaa Zie never tolak ajakkan die taw **hikhikhik...besh x dpt kwn mcm neh** Kitorg gi kat The Spring.
First time Zie shopping kat F.O.S. Murah2 noooo baju2 kat cnie.
Zie tangkap 2 helai baju ==> Kaler Oren ngan Kaler Dark Purple. Carik yg kaler merah...xde ler plak **sgt payah nk carik kaler merah yg berkenan di mate okeh** Pas puas jelajah boutiques, Kitorg g mkn kat Kenny Rogers.
Hah...cedap x makanan Zie???Berselera ssgt zie makan taw. Almaklum lerr ==> tengah kebuluran!!! **huahuahuahua** Yg Zie suke giler kat Kenny Rogers kan...sbb dorg nyer theme is RED IN COLOR. Wahhhh...tuh yg sejukkkkk jek hati makan kat ctue. So mendamaikan aaa being surrounded by red colors neh **wakakakaka..leh ke said camtuh???**
Neway...Zie pakai tros baju yg kaler purple tuh. Both of my baby-tee only cost => RM16.90 each. Murah kan. Such a budgetry shopping outlet aaa **lalalalala**
Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright
Since ramai giler said muke zie iras2 Ija, neh zie watkan post suh uolls sume bandingkan...tang mane yg uolls said same tuh
Zie nengok mcm x pown
Mate aje yg kitorg same...mate ikan tembakul!!!
So...still gaks uolls nak said zie neh kembar
Kinda irratating aaa bile accounts zie melambak2. Bahu n tulang lakang Zie dh terase dh lenguh2. Urgently need a rest but then...haiiipppp!!! klu Zie amik cuti, makin ler melambak keje Zie nnti. Weh boossss!!! G hire admin sekor aaaa. X tahan zie weiii doin' all the management alone okeh **sobsobsob**
Atas meje melambak keje2 accounts. Mane nk tulis cheques nyer lagik...petty cash nyer plak **hadoiiiii!!! penat ssgt mak okeh**Ade kang Zie tulis cheque tendang kang. Bawu padan muke **ekekekeke..lalala**
Tepi meja lak, masih sekotak kunci2. Lom settle2 lagik jadik tukang kunci neh...haiiipppp!!!
Ehemm..eheemmm. Isn't it sooooo prefectly beautiful di jari manis tuh **sobsobsob...jeles neh :D** Errrkkss...diz is NOT my ring ek. Its belong to my adik kesayangan => Fea. Finally!!! after years of dating wif Man, finally Man amik keputusan utk tied-the-knott **uuuwaaaaa...menjeles lagikkk :D**
Ahad lepas which is on February 17th,2008. Man anta rombongan merisik **hugs fea**
Sorry ek fea, zie x dpt nk hadiri majlis bahagia fea tuh **sobsobsob** But for sure...Zie will goin' to attend ur wedding!!! No doubt about it bcoz...uolls nk taw x??? I'm her Bestwomen on her coming wedd ceremony. Vanggga makkk taw!!!
Diimport khas dr tucin, sarawak lak tuh her penggapit **kekekeke..** Insyaallah fea cayunk...z x akan hampakan fea. Inform Zie one month earlier okeh. So dat zie can apply for my leave **mwahhhh...**
Pssstttt...i'm feeling a lil bit better today. So, there's no sick leave for today aaa. Seee!!! I told ya i'm hardworking kan **lalalala** Anyway, Zie rite now tgh working on my Imeem website. Been centuries **ceeyyy...tipu ler tuh. hakhakhak** Zie x masok into my Imeem website. Mcm mn entah yesterday tuh, ttiba jek dtg ilham utk merge kan my blogs wif my imeem website. supossed to be my music site. If u wanna see my pichas Gallery tuh, do click on "My Picha" on da menu bar above. It will direct uolls into my imeem's photo. Dgn cara ini...maka tidak beratlah my blogs!!! **huhuhu..pandainyer hakuk =:**
Oh ya!!! almost forgot, if uolls nak directly into my Imeem Website. Do click "My Music" icon on da menu bar ek. Or klu korg rajin sgt nak do it here's da website address =>
I knew it goin' to be Kak Ziana the winner of my Reddish Contest!!! Congratsssss akak cayunkkkk!!! She's one of the famous blogger taw. For those who didn't know her **u got to be kidding, dude!!!** juz click her name n it will direct u to her blogs.
Kak ziana...juz wait ek for ur reddish gift. It jus a small gift only..**kuikuikui** Tenkiu ek for being my readers n my bloggers frens. Cayunkkkk akak!!!
Congratulation!!! Zie dh found dah the winner of my Reddish Contest. actual 10,000 readers dtgnyer dari Bangkok. Tp she/he x dpt nak join Reddish Contest neh bcoz she/he didn't fit the term & condition of my Reddish Contest. Jadik, secara automaticnyer, Zie looking for my Malaysian reader whom being the FIRST to enter my page after that Bangkok citizen **huahuahua**
Kire adil ler tuh kan since my nite readers mostly from foreign countries.
See da red circle??? Hahaha...She's da winnerrr!!! But i have to confirm wif her bout her IP Address as she didn't left me any msg inside my shoutbox. She's being my 10,002 readers. She's also being the 1st Malaysian readers to hit my blogs after the counter hits 10,000 **keskeskes**
Will officially announce her suprise winning after the confirmation ek **haha** For others lak...tenkiu ek for joining :) Catch up another more follow up Reddish Contest. Zie akan open a contest lagik when my site meter almost reach 20,000 readers. So uollssss...KEEP UR EYES on da meter ek **hukhukhuk**
Hoorreeeyyy!!!My Site Meter almost reach 10,000!!! Yippieeeee!!!Soooo...It obviously I'm goin' to make a contest out of it **keskeskes** Whoever become my 10,000 first reader...Zie got some reddish gift for the winner..lalala...
This Reddish Contest only open for Malaysian citizen jek ek. For those Malaysian who still at overseas, kene ler tunggu korg dh kat Mesia utk get ur gift ek. Ade kang kopak kocek makk nnti bayar kos penghantarannyer karang...huhu.
Sooo...just save my page yg tunjukkan site meter reach 10,000. Then, dun forget to leave a msg inside my shoutbox **coz thro my cbox tuh aaa Zie leh trace korg nyer IP address utk cek kat my site meter** It just simple as 1, 2, 3 kan...huhu.