Kalau di Malaysia Sazzy Falak sdg menunggu kelahiran bayi kembarnya, Well, kalau di USA plak... Its Mariah Carey yg sdg menunggu kelahiran si kembarnya :)
Pd ahad (27/3/11) semlm, Mariah carey mengalami kontraksi dan di hantar ke hosiptal. but TETTT! It was a false Contractions..hehe.
So #dembabies really wanted 2 celebrate w/us/share the anniversary! I started having contractions last night..went 2 the hospital-
Finally they said I could come home after they got it under control but..They almost came on 3/27- happy anniversary in deed!!! We have a few more weeks 2 go but- wow!!!: ) #soreadyallready! - Mariah Carey
Takpe lah mimi...coming soon tuee.. Hehe. Tak sabo nk tgk bayi kembar si Mimi dan Nick cannon nih. Sure comel! :)
Gosip Panas Mak Kepochi™
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