Rabu, 13 Februari 2008

Wanna Be My Valentine??? =P

Status Mood : An Empty Street

First of all...Zie nak say thanx to my beutiful girls => Kiki and Ida for wishing me "Happy Valentine's Day". Haha. Appreciate it soooooo much lalink2 ku :P Well, juz ignore my post title tuh. Zie ssaje jek nak letak title gittew...saje je nk bikin havoc okeh!!! **hikhikhik**

Tak terlintas pown dlm hati Zie utk mencarik penganti dlm waktu yg terdekat gnie. Dunno when aaa ati Zie akan terbuka utk menerima cinta lagi. Rasenye mcm x sanggup jek nk lalui all the hurts of being in love sekali lagik aaa **sobsobsob**

But i know...like Hans the Atomen says, "Love is like an Ocean"...errr...lebey kurang gittew ler yg die said. Yup...its true. Juz like an ocean, love too had the goods and the bads. It only depends on us je utk how we're going to explore the Ocean.

Sometimes kan...as a human. Kiter x terlepas utk berangan2 to have someone perfect for us. gf/bf yg ensem, yg pandai memahami etc...but ask urself for a while. Did what we want is what we are??? Berangan mmg x salah but juz dont let u become obsess of it.

Hemprrhhh..now that i'm single. Zie keeps on thinking and wondering and thinking...who will going to love me after diz??? who will going take care of me when i'm old??? When i'm thinking about myself...seriously...Zie became sad sgt2. And it never fail to bring tears in my eyes. Zie mmg x nak thinking about it...but i'm juz helpless to avoid that thoughts.

Malas lah z nak meluahkan pasaan zie secara tidak langsung dlm blogs Zie neh. Let me keep the rest of it inside my heart. It's already enough for my dear readers seeing my happy smiling face everyday. Well to all couples around da world...

"Happy Valentine's Day!!!!"
Never neglects ur lover
No matter how busy u are with
ur carreer...just DON'T ever
make ur lover felt neglected.

Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright

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