Selasa, 01 Januari 2008

My New Year Eve

Date: New Year Eve, 2007
Mood: Not sure

Like every new year eve...we juz had a family gathering but diz of my half brother **my dad's son on his previous married** come and join us. We had diz BBQ only. Kak Midah and her family juz dropping by for a while coz they had their own new year's agendacelebrate

The picha above was a pic of my half brother **Abg Poni** and my Achik. That pic, i allow it to be click outjelir so juz click at da picha to clear the exact size of it. Juz wanted ya'all to see my Abg Poni's face bcoz his face exactly look like my daddysengihnampakgigi He's in his early 40's but his figure didn't seems to be in 40;s, rite gatai


We finished our BBQ around 9 sumthing if i remember it correctly. After dat..i just straight away go to bed. Don't even bother to wait until the clock strike 12pm. It's all the same to me. New year eve or not new year still juz an ordinary nite to mesigh

Psssttt....yayyyy!!! i'm 24 years old diz yearjelir and i'm going to celebrate my incoming 24th besday all by myself. It juz a life i have to walk through...minum

Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright

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