Mood: Missing
Finally...the end of 2007 had come to an end. It is such a relief for me
I had to search for my own strength...and my own courage tho i know it's gonna b tough
and to my beloved readers...
Princess Redbloodsnow Copyrigh
Year 2008 is around da corner. I have no new resolution as for it is still the old previous resolution. But...i do had my 2008 wish list for my own self Insyaallah...i'm going to get it all before the end of 2008
So here my 2008 wish list
Right now...i am soooooo freaking crazy wif diz song from T.I. - Big Shit Popping. Wanna see da video clip??? juz click da "play" button on da video above. I am using diz video as my incoming call video. Kinda cool, honestly
Meanwhile my fav PS 2 games....definitely Final Fantasy XII.
Whenever i'm free wif my "duty" as a girl in da house...for sure, i gonna play diz games from a:m 'til p:m really does helps me a lot in preventing my depression
Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright
This picha...i let ya'all to view it. Click at it to see da actual size of it. It's 43kg now!!! I was trying so real damn freaking hard for my weight to gain 48kg. For months i'm working to gain that weight but now...onli juz for a few juz easily drop 5kg!!!!
Can't ya'all imagine how disappointed i am??? Gosshhh...stop crying zie, stop crying!!! Its not like you can gain ur old weight by juz stop crying, zie...plz.
Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright
See da scratch on da top of my upper lips??? It's Olin's "gift" for me...oooccchhh!!!
Yesterday evening, when i back usual, i will give Olin a hug
n lotsa kisses
Dunno whats wrong wif her yesterday when i wanted to kissed her, she straggles n meowww then...Ooocchhh!!! she scratch my upper lips
Luckily it juz a small cut Even tho its onli a small cut...its so painful, ok!!!
Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright
Tadaaaaa!!! KFC..idaman ku selalu. :P |
Combo No. 2 **If i'm not mistaken lah** =) |
I am the most happiest women on earth when i saw a banner clearly wrote => "Now it open 24 hours" I was like..."hey!!! when does it started??? How come nobody mention it to me??" hehehe Thank to Allah when The Almighty made minie using dat road diz mownin
If not..for sure i still didn't know a thing about KFC open for 24/7 now So...i guess, no more lakse sarawak for bekpes!!! kehkehkeh...
KFC...???<= I'm luving it!!!
Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright
Pijot - Me - Shiedah beloved cousins... =) |
Before ya'all looking n reading any further diz post entry, do ignore my "serabai" figure. All the pichas taken when i'm still in diz "chaos in my heart" condition...hehe.'s da story begins :D hikksss!!!
Well...if u are my faithfull n old visitors, sure u will recognize diz two gurls. But for my new visitors, let me introduce ya'all to my fav n beloved cousins. Meet Shieda n Pijot. Thier real name was Rasidah **for shiedah** and Hafizah **for Pijot**
Errr...i crop dat pic bcoz I'm not wearing any hairscaff **tarak bley tgk my wambut maaaa...harams..hikhikhik**
Drg dok melaram ngan sendang aku. Alaaa...taw ler sendang aku lawo2. tuh ler dorg dok seybok2 sarungkan jugak...hikksss!!! |
Ok, let me start wif diz studborn noty Pijot. She sumtimes always arr disobey me. Unlike Shiedah, Shiedah never disobey me taw. Dats why i love Shiedah more than i love diz studborn..haha!!! **Neh kes pilih kasih, beb!** Her aged only 15 years old. Always get nagged by me coz die neh too lazy arr nak study. Asyik melalak menyanyi jek. Taw ler ur voice exactly sound like Siti Sarah...d'uh!
Shiedah lak...Errr...xde plak pic bdua wif Shiedah. Baru 18 years old...and dah nk tawen pown. Today she n her boyfriend attending kursus nikah. Next year aku dgr dorg nk tied the knot. Syokkkknyerrrr!!!
^_^ | =P |
-_^ | :* |